Message from Simon Norton (Co Founder)
Covid has impacted us all. Myself (I'm from New Zealand) and a Canadian friend, found ourselves coming out of a retreat in the middle of the Amazon jungle during May of 2020 to a very changed and different world. After finishing the retreat, we both travelled thorough the Amazon, making our way to Lima, while waiting to be able to leave Peru.
While in Lima we took the opportunity to visit one of the outlying towns, Chaclacayo. One thing that struck us was, that while there are a lot of obvious impacts Covid has had on people’s lives, there is a lot of smaller impacts that were less obvious and together added up to something significant. For example, the skatepark graffiti project we recently funded. This brought a lot of love and light (into the world for the artists, organizers and most importantly children and families that use this park. This project cost was only $US150
After our trip, three of us were pondering what could we do that could bring some love and light into people’s lives, communities and the world...Smiling Hearts was born.
The Smiling Hearts Project aims to bring love and warmth into the lives of people and communities around the world.
Through the simple act of distributing Smiling Heart meditation badges and stickers, we not only work to bring a deeper sense of inner peace and happiness into the lives of others but also help to raise funds to support Grass Roots Community Projects, around the world.
The “Smiling Hearts Meditation” is a simple yet powerful practise that helps to bring a deeper sense of peace and happiness into the lives of others.
We created the Smiling Hearts badge as a fun, tactile and effective way to spread the love and essentially connect people back to their hearts.
‘Our smiling hearts meditation brings love and warmth into their life and by doing so brings love and warmth into the lives of others.’
By simply pinning the badge near to their heart and reading the words on the meditation sticker provided, we have found that people quickly feel the effects of the meditation and in doing so are reminded that at any time, wherever they find themselves, by simply smiling at their heart, they can bring love and warmth into their life.
The inaugural badge set of 7 different coloured Smiling Hearts badges are available in donation style boxes of (35) and "roving" giftbags and are the perfect way to spread the love throughout your workplace and/or your local community.
For every box of Smiling Hearts’ badges sold, 30% of the proceeds will be redirected back to the Smiling Hearts Grassroots Community Projects.
Unlike many of the larger not for profits, the Smiling Hearts Grassroots Community Project, seeks to support the heart of smaller and less represented communities around the world.
Examples of our most recent projects include the redevelopment of a local skate park and Local Community Centre in Miguel Grau, Peru.
Both of these projects while small in nature, have bought a great deal of warmth and inspiration into the community at a time when it is needed most.
Our intention is to continue to support other less identified communities around the world, in the hope that we can bring a smile to the hearts of many, one smile at a time.
'Smiling Hearts is a not-for-profit *. Our “profit” coming from bringing love and warmth into the world.'
You can read more about our community projects here
* We are currently in the process of registering Smiling Hearts as a not-for-profit
If you feel inspired to help the Smiling Hearts team spread the love and bring warmth and happiness into the lives of others you can do so by…
Buying a box/bag of Smiling Hearts Badges and in doing so contribute to our Smiling Hearts projects around the world.
Community Fundraising - buy a box of badges and fundraise for a community project of your choice by either receiving donations or sell badges to support your cause.
Donate - Haven't got time to sell a box of badges.... thats can donate directly to one of our project or cause instead!
To order your box of Smiling Hearts badges or donate directly to one of our causes and also find out ways you can spread the love click here…
Our desire is that 'Smiling Hearts' continues to take on a life of its own. We encourage you to share your stories about how the 'Smiling Hearts' meditation has brought more love, light and warmth into your life and the life of others.
If you have any ideas to help us get the Smiling Hearts message out there or would like to be kept update with our new products and projects, we would love to hear from you.
Click here to send us message.
Thank you for supporting Smiling Hearts!